For improving nitrogen utilization efficiency by maize crop under gated pipes irrigation technique, a field experiment was conducted at El-Hamoul district, Kafr Elshiekh governorate during the summer season of 2011. The experiment included traditional furrow irrigation, gated pipes and alternative furrows irrigation by gated pipes technique, Two forms of mineral nitrogen fertilizers Urea (CO (NH2)2) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) were applied at the recommended dose (135 Kg N Fed-1) either as soil dressing or through irrigation as compared with the control treatment (without nitrogen application),
The main obtained results could be summarized as follows:
Using gated pipes technique for irrigating maize crop resulted in less amount of water applied compared to traditional furrow irrigation method. On the other hand, gated pipes technique saved irrigation water by 19.74 and 30.77 % for gated pipe and alternative gated pipes techniques, respectively as compared with traditional furrowirrigation. This improved irrigation techniques led to decrease actual water consumptive use, improved water application efficiency and increased the contribution of ground water table in the crop water need.
There was no effect on maize yield due to different irrigation techniques. However, gated pipes and alternative gated pipes recorded the highest values of grain yield (3.3 and 2.6 %) and stalk yield (47.6 and 15.1%) over the traditional furrow irrigation, respectively. Whereas, maize grain yield increased by about 62.1 , 59.7, 58.8 and 45.8 over control treatment due to application of ammonium nitrate applied by dressing method, urea applied withirrigation water, urea applied by dressing method and ammonium nitrate applied withirrigation water, respectively. Maize grain yield took the same trend of stalk yield. It can be observed that gated pipes technique for all furrows under ammonium nitrate applied by dressing method achieved the highest grain and stalk yields followed by treatment alternate furrows which irrigated by gated pipes under urea applied withirrigation water.
The highest mean values of crop and field water use efficiencies were achieved under gated pipes alternative furrow techniques and Urea applied withirrigation water.
Nitrogen use efficiency and N recovery % were increased with gated pipes irrigation techniques under ammonium nitrate applied by dressing method and urea applied withirrigation water
Net income from water unit and economical efficiency increased with gated pipes techniques (for all furrow and alternative furrow) comparing with traditional furrow irrigation treatment.