Two field experiments were conducted at El-Qantra Shark, Ismalia Governorate, Egypt in two successive winter seasons of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.It aimed to study the effect of compost or humic acid at different rates separately applied or combined with sulphur on sme soil properties and its content of available nutrients and faba bean(Vicia faba cv) Varity Nobaria 1 productivity as well as the seeds content of macro- micronutrients , protein and proline under saline soil conditions. The compost applicationwas at the rates 0, 4, 8, 12 Mg fed-1 was done 25 day before planting. The application of humic acid was at the rates 0,10, 15 and 20 kg fed-1. The sulphure was applied at rate 400 kg before 25 days from sowing.
Results obtained showed that, the soil pH decreased with increasing the rate of humic acid and compost. The soil salinity EC (dSm-1) was not significantly affected by the different rates of humic acid and compost applied alone or combined with sulphur. The application of humic acid or compost at high rates combined with sulphur gave the highest soil available N, P , K, Fe, Mn and Zn values after faba bean harvesting in both seasons. Also, the faba bean pods yield and seed yields (Mg fed-1) tends to increase due to the application of humic acid (20 kg fed-1) alone or combined with sulphur than the untreated in both seasons. On the other hand, raising the compost levels, applied alone or combined with sulphur, led to increase the seeds yield (Mg fed-1), weight of 100 seeds (g) and No. of pod plant-1, compared to control. The effect of applied different rates from humic acid and compost on N content in seeds was not significant in both seasons, while the increase was significant in P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn content in seeds faba bean in both seasons. The effects of sulphur and organic on protein content in seeds of faba bean plant were significantly in both seasons. The prolien content in faba bean plant was significantly decreased in first season, while it was significantly decreased due to humic and compost application in both seasons. Compost application significantly affected on total chlorophyll content. The sulphur application with humic or compost indicated significant increase in total chlorophyll.
From the previous results, it can be concluded that the use of humic acid at the rate of 15 kg fed-1 combined with sulfur or average 8 tons per fed of compost combined with sulfur to give the economical grain yield where there is not significant differences between the rates of 15 kg humic acid and 20 kg per fed, as well as compost 8 tons and 12 tons under saline soil.