Two field experiments were conducted at the farm of Tag Al-Ezz Research station, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt during successive growing seasons 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 on wheat (variety Sakha 93). The experiments conducted to evaluate the effect of methods and rates of applying NPK fertilizers as soil and foliar (100% soil application of recommended NPK, 50% soil + 0.5% NPK foliar, 50% soil + 1% NPK foliar, 25% soil + 0.5% NPK foliar and 25% soil + 1% NPK foliar) on wheat yield, plant height, 1000-grain weight, protein %, N,P,K and Na uptake and K/Na ratio under two levels of soil salinity EC1 (saline soil) and EC2 (non saline soil). The results showed that values of Plant height, grain and straw yield, 1000-grain weight, protein%, NPK uptake and K/Na ratio were decreased with soil salinity (EC1) compared with its values under non saline soil (EC2), while Na uptake was increased with salinity soil in both seasons. Grain yield was decreased under saline soil by 37.44 % and 39.31%, while straw yield was decreased by 32.84% and 41.53% respectively, in both seasons. Application of NPK fertilizers as soil or soil with foliar significantly increased plant height, grain and straw yield, 1000-grain weight, protein %, NPK uptake and K/Na ratio in both seasons. Application of NPK fertilizers at 50% of the recommended as soil +1%N + 1%P + 1%K foliar (F3) recorded the highest grains yield 1.91 and 2.00 t/fed respectively, in both seasons. In concerning, the effect of interaction between soil salinity (EC1 and EC2) and fertilization treatments significantly increased plant height, grain and straw yields, N-uptake, P-uptake and K-uptake. The highest grain yield was 2.42 t/fed with interaction EC2xF3 in second season. Yield results showed that the superiority of fertilization treatment was for 50% soil application with 1%N + 1%P + 1%K as foliar under salinity conditions or non saline soil. Interaction between salinity and fertilization treatments was affected insignificantly on K/Na ratio in both seasons. The highest means of K/Na ratio in straw were 2.22 and 2.52 with interaction EC2XF2 and EC2XF3 respectively, while the highest means of K/Na ratio in grains were 3.23 and 3.55 with interaction EC2XF3 in both seasons respectively.