Two field trials were conducted at El-Serw Agricultural Reserch Station, Dammietta Governorate, Egypt, in 2012 and 2013 seasons to study the effect of organic and biofertilizer on growth, yield and nutrients uptake of maize under saline conditions. A split split plot design with three replicates was conducted in this study, the main plots were assigned to different soil salinity levels treatments (low, moderate and high salinity soil), while sub-plot was devoted to the organic fertilization treatments and sub-sub plot was Bio-fertilization treatments. Three different type of organic fertilization were used in this experiment in two seasons as follows: Poultry manure, compost and farmyard manure were used at rate of (0-10-20 tons fed-1).Two different type of bio-fertilization were used in this experiment inoculation with biofertilizer, Azotobacter Inoculation and phosphorin inoculation. The results showed the following:
Plant height, dry weight, 100-grain weight, grain yield, stover yield, N-uptake, P-uptake, K-uptake in both grains and stover of maize plant were decreased drastically with increasing salinity levels in seasons 2012&-2013 as a result of salinity stress. On the contrary, plant height, dry weight, 100-grain weight, grain yield, stover yield, N-uptake, P-uptake, K-uptake in both grains and stover of maize plant significantly increased with organic fertilization application at harvesting stage in 2012 & 2013 seasons. The order of different types and rates of organic fertilization application for their influences on previous parameters were as follows: 20 ton fed-1 poultry manure > 20 ton fed-1 compost >20 ton fed-1 farmyard manure >10 ton fed-1 poultry manure > 10 ton fed-1 compost >10 ton fed-1 farmyard manure. Maize plant height, dry weight, 100-grain weight, grain yield, stover yield, N-uptake, P-uptake, K-uptake in both grains and stover of maize plant were increased at harvesting stage in seasons 2012&2013, due toN-P biofertilization. Azotobacter treatment gave superior than that of phosphorin inoculations.
Effect of interaction between different soil salinity levels, organic fertilizer treatments and N-P biofertilizer inoculations was a significant on maize plant height and dry weight at harvesting stage in 2012&2013 seasons. A significant effect at 5% were obtained on 100 grain weight in 2012&2013 seasons by this interaction. The highest results were obtained with ( low soil salinity levels + 20 ton fed-1 poultry manure + Azotobacter inoculation). Also, the effect of this interaction was not significant on maize grain yield but a significant at 5% in strover yield in 2012 season. During 2013 season a significant at 5% was obtained in both grain and strover yield. The highest results were obtained with ( low soil salinity levels +20 ton fed-1 poultry manure + Azotobacter inoculation).There was a non significant effect in N-uptake in maize grains and stover during 2012-2013 seasons. The highest results were obtained with ( low soil salinity levels + 20 ton fed-1 poultry manure + Azotobacter inoculation) . A significantly at 5% in (P-uptake & K-uptake) in maize grains and stover was obtained, respectively in both seasons. The highest results were obtained with ( low soil salinity levels + 20 ton fed-1 poultry manure + Azotobacter inoculation).