The aim of this study was to evaluate two major types that used in modern pressurized irrigation systems (UPVC pipes and LDPE tubes made in Egypt). From all experiment steps data indicated that UPVC pipes fixed under soil surface (50, 100 cm depths), this type of pipes should be work under three forces, 1- Outcome pressure which deliver from systems pump, sometimes 50 meter head depended on systems design, 2 – Soil dry weight in range (1.5 kg sandy soil at 30 cm depth making a compact force for area below 50 mm diameter and 3 – Soil wet weight (soil + water (under saturated 1.9 kg wetted soil at 3o cm depth making a compact force for area below 50 mm diameter. All UPVC pipe pass in hydraulic test. To summarized the important part in UPVC pipes test. Hydraulic stander test should be include one extra recommendation that do the test of pressure procedure at one week; pipe should be test under three time of the nominal pressure. (Due to the force which face pipes when instillation). LDPE work in the face of heat transfer which coming from two places 1- Directly from sun in summer average temperature in the area of study were 48◦C. 2 – Heat transfer from soil and plant development in study area were in average, at summer at 10 cm depths was 28◦C. This mean that for testing and classification the LDPE tubes. The chemicals and heat test will be the most important part in LDPE classification; add to that analyzing the row materials for carbon black percentage and others materials which mainly had the negative effect on LDPE performance. For the effect of heat the tubes life time was very small less than 5 years. Therefore Egypt LDPE and UPVC product should be developed under the supervision of research centers and modified some part in stander of calcification.