This work was carried out to investigate some physical and chemical properties of salt-affected soils adjacent to Qaroun, ElBorollusandEdku lakesof Egypt. Three soil profiles were taken at distances of 1.5, 10 and 20 km. from the shoreline of every lake. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were taken at depths of 0 – 30, 30 – 60 and 60 – 90 cm. The undisturbed soil samples were used for the determination of soil total porosity, pore size distribution, soil moisture retention curves, hydraulic conductivity and the soil aggregate size distribution. The disturbed soil samples were air-dried, ground to pass through a 2 mm sieve and kept for the chemical determinations. The obtained results indicated that the studied soil samples contain high total solublesalts which tend to decrease with increasing both soil sampling depth and the distance from the shoreline of different lakes under study. The high values of total soluble salts exist in case of soil samples ofQarounlakefollowed by those ofBorollusandEdkulakes .The values ofsoil pHin the studied soil samples ranged between8.00and 8.60 whereas CEC ranged from35.21to51.21 cmolkg soil-1, and the soil contents of both organic matter and CaCO3were relatively low and tended to decrease by increasing soil depth.Soil bulk density and soil total porosity valuesof the studied soil sample wereincreased by increasing soil depth and distance from the lakes shoreline. Thehighvaluesofsoiltotal porositywerefoundincase ofQarounlake soils.The values of soilhydraulic conductivity(K) were decreased by depth. The distance from the lakes shoreline exerts no clear effect on soil hydraulic conductivity andmoisturetension curves .The soil moisture content at field capacity had no clear trend with the soildepthbutwere gradually decreased with the distance increase from the lakes. The highest values of field capacity were found in the soil samples ofQarounlake. The soil moisture content at wilting point for all studied areas was higher in the surface soil than the subsurface. The percents of dry stable aggregates increased with increasing the soil depth except large size aggregates which have diameters 10-2 mm. The values of total stable aggregates (T.S.A) increased with the increase of the distance from the lake (especially Qaroun and El-Borollus); this may be due to the decrease of soluble salts with the increase of the distance from the lakes. No clear trend was observed for the effect of soil depth and the distance from the lakes on TSA of different soil under study.