Two field experiments in spit plot design were carried out in winter season of 2014-2015 at Mansoura University Farm, Qalabshu region, Dakhlia Governorate, Egypt, to investigate Wheat and barley productivity as affected by biochar, compost, chicken manure with different rates of mineral fertilization. The obtained results can be summarized in ; biochar, compost and chicken manure addition led to increase wheat grain yield by 6.36, 14.92 and 21.21 % compared with 0.0 organic addition, where the same amendment with the same order increased barley grain yield by 16.59, 28.43 and 31.17 %. Mineral fertilizer increased both wheat and Barely grain yield up to the highest level used, 125 % of recommended NPK. Chicken manure treatment recorded the highest straw yield, 4002.5 and 2511.3 Kg fed.-1, of wheat and barley, respectively, So recorded the highest values of 1000- grain weight of wheat, 50.53, and barley, 43.90 gm., respectively. A significant organic fertilizer types - mineral fertilization dose interaction was found regarding to 1000 grain weight of wheat where a non-significant interaction was found regarding to 1000 grain weight of barley. Chicken manure - 125% of recommended NPK treatment gives the heights values of wheat and barley grains N content, 1.81 and 1.699 %. Biochar, compost and Chicken manure increased P content of wheat grains by 18.0, 29.0 and 34.0 % Compared with 0.0 organic matter. A similar trend was also achieved with barley , where The percentage of increase were 34.9 , 34.9 and 49.0%, respectively. Increasing mineral fertilization level from 100 % to 125 % increased p content of wheat and barley by 4.0 and 3.0 %, respectively. Very little increase but significant was found in K content of wheat and barley due to appling biochar treatment, 5040.0 Kg fed.-1, compared to 0.0 organic treatment. The highest value of K content for wheat, 0.284 and barley, 0.506 %, were achieved with 125% of NPK recommendation dose treatment.