Utilization photovoltaic cells for water pumping is one of the most techniques in solar energy applications. Design and performance analyze of solar energy for pumping water through drip irrigation system are studied the field experiment was conducted during 2017 (from January to December). The experiment was conducted in privet farm located at Madinat Wadi EL Natrun, El Buhayrah, Governorate , Egypt N 30° 32"29. 7859" and E30°1"41.2169", with average solar radiation between 3.52 and 6.2 kWh/m2/day considers the ideal location for solar energy harvesting soil tenure is sandy soil for cultivation of olive tree orchard (europaea olea) was planted on a 10 faddan. Trees in the orchard had a spacing of 5 ´ 5 m. Although solar energy and drip irrigation system are highly important technologies in developing countries, they are rarely used together. This paper is concerned to design of direct coupled solar energy water pumping in drip irrigation system without using batteries. The solar pumping system consists of 39 modules of 259.8 watts each and 10.13 kW. AC Submersible water pump. The system was tested for its performance in terms of discharge variation due to change in solar energy. It was examine the various factors contributing to the performance of solar power, such as radiation tracking, hertz and power output, on pump discharge. It was observed during normal climatic conditions the PV array produced power in the range of 9.115 to 10.627 kW from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm during the year. It was observed that reduction in power generation the mean 14.22 % during noon conditions. Photovoltaic (PV) array produced maximum power of 10627.2 watts (12:30 pm) while, voltage, frequency and current of 561 V 49.1HZ and 15.4 A respectively. It is in the morning conditions that pump delivered discharge of 32.8m3/h as an average from 9.45 am to 1.30 pm of the head of 1.3 bar. It was observed that, in noon conditions pump delivered discharge of 41.82 m3/h (12:30 pm) at the head of 2.1 bar. It was observed that power output from the solar array increases as solar intensity increases. The month with the highest solar radiation was with an average of 6.27, 6.06and 5.97 kW/m2/month Ac. for months August, July and June respectively. Whereas the three months that average the lowest average solar radiation levels was 3.5, 3.94 and 4.12 kW/m2/month for months December, January and November respectively.