Spinach and common bean plants as representatives of leafy and legume vegetables were subjected to some biostimulants to evaluate its effects, against organic and mineral fertilizers, on plant growth, nutrient uptake and nitrate accumulation under field conditions. Individual treatments of humic acid (HS) and seaweed extract (SW) as bio-stimulants were tested in comparison with organic compost and ammonium nitrate as mineral fertilizer. Fresh and dry weight of spinach and common bean plants were significantly positively affected by application of seaweed extract and humic acid, respectively. Incorporation of organic compost resulted in fresh and dry biomass yields of spinach leaves, common bean green vegetative part and pods nearly closed or slightly lower than those recorded with ammonium nitrate fertilizer. In most cases, seaweed extract was superior over other treatments. Both of humic acid and seaweed extract relatively increased fresh or dry weights of both crops by about 50% in average over the plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate or treated with organic compost. Application of seaweed extract and humic acid had reduced the nitrate content in spinach leaves as compared to plants treated with ammonium nitrate but nearly closed to those of organic compost. Either organic compost or biostimulants (SW and HS) produced edible leaves of spinach with lower nitrate content that makes it marketable according to permissible level organized by European Commission Regulation (3500 mg kg-1 FW). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake by leaves of spinach and pods of common bean were positively significantly increased with application of all tested treatments in comparison to the untreated control, but seaweed extracts and to somewhat extent the humic acid resulted in NPK values more or nearly closed to those recorded with either mineral fertilizer or organic compost additive. These results gave the chance to accept the biostimulants in addition to organic additive as alternative and sustainable tools complementing a high yield with premium quality.