
Monitoring of Dynamic Fluctuations in Microbiological and Bio-Physico-Chemical Properties of Multi-Functional Inoculated Triad Organic Mixtures during Different Aerobic Composting


Last updated: 04 Jan 2025






The main objective of the present work aimed to produce, on a large scale, high quality stabilized matured microbial co-composts from the cheapest organic residues and maximizing their soil manuring values for using as soil conditioners and bio-organic fertilizers for bio-organic reclamation and rehabilitation of agricultural sandy and calcareous soils, and consecutively alleviate the environmental pollution and encourage them to replace the expensive agro-chemical fertilizers. The aerobic co-composting bioprocesses for bioconversion from the activated triad organic mixtures agricultural organic low-input cheapest residues rice straw (R), cotton stalks (C) and saw dust (S) were conducted on open site of the Experimental Research of Agricultural farm (un-controlled) Windrows (piles) conditions and on laboratories of Soil & Water Department (controlled) conditions Bin (PVC-barrels) conditions, Fac. Agric., Kafrelsheikh University. These experiments were started during summer season on June 2017 extended till and of September (120 days). For realizing these purposes, the following subjects were entirely achieved: 1- Preparation of the triad components RCS-mixtures by mixing rice straw (R), cotton stalks (C) and saw dust (S) on the basis 1:1:1 v/v preparation their activated organically O-RCS mixtures with chicken manures, fast release mineral activated with N,P,K and S mineral fertilizers mf-RCS-mixtures and slow release mineral activated ms-RCS-mixtures with rock-p, k-feldspar and mineral sulfur-s for adjusting their elementary relative ratios C/N=30, C/P=100 and C/S=200. 2- Preparation and stowing 3 piles and charging 8 PVC-barrels with different activated RCS-mixtures. 3- Isolation, purification, enrichment and characterizations of the most potent isolates of cellulolytic microorganisms, phosphate and silicate solubilizing bacteria and non-symbiotic N2 fixer Azotobacter and preparation their liquid culture inoculants. Molecular genetic characterization of cellulolytic isolates was performed by PCR. These microbial liquid inoculants were incorporated and inoculated the barrels and piles at mesophilic and maturity biophases at two doses for each biophase. Dynamic variations in temperature-degrees and pH-values Four typical co-composting thermal biophases were monitored throughout the aerobic co-composting incubation period elongated 120 days as follows: * Short mesophilic biophase (30 days, normal temperature) its grand mean (GM) Temp. 28 C and 34 C within barrels and piles respectively, acidic conditions (acid generation) its GM.pH value (6). * Thermophilic biophase (50 days, highly temperature) 43 C, 55 C within barrels and piles respectively, more alkaline conditions (NH4+- evolution) its GM-pH value (8.7). * Cooling biophase (15 days, transmissive temp. conditions, median state conditions) GM. temp 34.5 C and 36 C respectively median alkaline conditions, its GM-pH value (8). * Maturation biophase (25 days, normal temp. conditions) GM. temp 26 C and 25 C respectively and normal acidic-alkaline media, its GM.pH-value (7.15) which represent stabilized final product. Effects of these selected studied parameters on the dynamic fluctuations in the chosen of co-composting characteristics in the course of entirely co-composting incubation period were monitored, examined and elucidates. Generally, the obtained analytical and statistical results on the average conditions of all other selected studied parameters in the course of all co-composting incubation periods, could be summarized as thefollowing:1- Effect of co-composting biophasesAll the obtained data were reported on the basis of average conditions of all studied other parameters. Maturation biophase (25 days, normal pH 7.15 and moderately temp.). * Generally, the activity of the selected studied predominant enzymes have realized their superiority values at this biophase over there controls as: Dehydrogenases activity: 305.5 (control 38.5 and general grand mean activity during co-composting period G.G.M 162) as µg 1, 3, 5 TPF produced. g-1d.w co-compost. hour-1. Endoglucanase activity: 1073 (control 567 and G.G.M 776.5)  µmoles glucose equivalent. g1d.w co-compost. (24 hour)-1. β-glucosidase activity: 252 (control 91.5 and G.G.M 172) µg PNP released. kg-1d.w co-compost. hour-1. * Total bacterial (TBC) and fungal (TFC) counts  logCFU.g-1d.w co-compost. Commonly, TBC realized the predominancy (8.54) over TFC 5.45. TBC and TFC displayed greater values in comparison with their controls as TBC: 9.78 (control 7.79 and G.G.M 8.54)    TFC: 6.15 (control 5.63 and G.G.M 5.45). * Temperature-degrees and pH-values realized the lowest values at this biophase in relation to their controls. Temp.degrees: 25.5 C (control 29.20 C, ambient temp. 25.75 C and G.G.M 35.3 C) pH-values: 7.15 (control 7.10 and G.G.M 7.5). The absolutely lowest temp. degree (average 22) was registered at this biophase after 120 days from co-composting initiation. Themophilic biophase (50 days) * Activity of studied enzymes displayed  the lowest values at this biophase (more alkaline conditions pH 8.7 highly temp. degree 49.25) as (91.5, 620.5 and 120) in comparison with their controls (38.5, 567 and 91.5) respectively. * Total microbial counts recorded the lowest values (5.67 and 4.84) for TBC and TFC, which were more lesser than their controls 7.78 and 5.63. * Temperature-degrees and pH-values displayed the highest magnitude values at the biophase in comparison with  their controls as: Temp.degrees: 49.25 C (control 29.2 C, ambient temp. 25.75 C and G.G.M 35.3 C). pH-values 8.7 (control 7.10 and G.G.M 7.5). The absolutely highest temp. degree was registered at this biophase 62 C after 85 days from the initiation. Meanwhile, the highest pH-values (9.2) were measured after 65 days form initiation. However, the absolutely lesser value (pH 5.1) was measured at the mesophilic biophase after 15 days from co-composting initiation.2- Effect of multi-functional microbial co-inoculationEnzymes activity of the co-inoculated co-composted mixtures with multi-functional microbial co-inoculants (two phases) realized the highest enzymes activities in accordance with their values as 96, 445 and 213 respectively, in comparison with non-inoculated mixtures which showed as 75, 332 and 143 respectively. Total bacterial and fungal counts displayed higher values for inoculated mixtures in comparisons with non-inoculated mixtures as TBC (9.28 and 7.8) and TFC (5.61 and 5.45) respectively. Co-inoculated mixtures realized higher temp. degrees and pH-values as (38.15 C and pH 8.9) in comparison with non-inoculated mixtures (33.4 C and pH 8.5).3- Effect of aerobic co-composting systemsStudied enzymes activity have realized their predominancy values under Windrows piles system 169, 942 and 218 in comparison with Bin (PVC-barrels) system which realized the lesser values 155, 611 and 126 respectively. Total bacterial and fungal counts gave the highest values 8.94 and 5.74 under Windrows piles system in relation to their values 8.14 and 5.16 under Bin (barrels) system respectively. Temperature-degrees within piles announced higher values than those obtained within barrels as 37.6 C and 33 C for piles and barrels respectively. However, pH-values registered magnitude higher values within barrels system than those obtained under piles system as 9.4 and 7.5 respectively.




Aerobic co-composting, Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR apparatus), CFU-colony forming units, xenobiotics, Stabilization, manuring value, composting maturation, soil conditioners, biofertilizers, Bin (PVC-barrels) system, Windrows (piles) system, sandy and calcareous soils


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Soil and Water Sciences Dept., Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry, Fac. of Agric., Kafrelsheikh Univ., Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.







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Agricultural Botany Dept., Agricultural Microbiology, Fac. of Agric., Kafrelsheikh Univ., Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.







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Soil and Water Sciences Dept., Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry, Fac. of Agric., Kafrelsheikh Univ., Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.









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Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering

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Monitoring of Dynamic Fluctuations in Microbiological and Bio-Physico-Chemical Properties of Multi-Functional Inoculated Triad Organic Mixtures during Different Aerobic Composting Systems




Created At

22 Jan 2023