The comparative study of the female body structures of many species of Diaspididae has been done using Leica microsystems. Several types of sensilla were described for three species namely: Parlatoria zizyphii, Lepidosaphes ficus and Lepidosaphes beckii. Four thermo-hygro-sensory species as sensing organs for temperature and humidity, namely plachodea in lepidosaphes beckii, sensilla basiconica and styloconica in Parlatoria zizyphii, sensilla caeloconica in lepidosaphes ficus and tuft organ in lepidosaphes ficus; One type of gustatory receptor is a styloconica in Parlatoria zizyphii; infrared receptors (IR), also in Parlatoria zizyphii; olfactory organs such as sensilla placodea in Parlatoria zizyphii. Measurements of sense organs in different species were done using ocular micrometer. Also, dimension measurements of each sensillum of temporary and permanent females mounts were done. According to these comparative studies, the general regulation of sensilla was assumed to be Diaspididae. Eight sensory phenotypes were identified, with an attempt to use these data at the systemic level. The results of this study provide an important basis for linking morphological characteristics of sensory organs to insect behavior and should stimulate the development of effective quasi-chemistry-based control strategies against species belonging to the diaspididae.