The problems that insecticides can create have prompted the investigator to conduct the present study to evaluate the efficacy of some different alternative materials and the combinations of promising material with half dose of certain insecticides belonging to different chemical groups, for controlling pink bollworm and certain associated sap suckers as non-target pests to reduce the reliance on insecticides. Summarized results showed that, in 1998 season all alternative materials have slightly effective influence on infestation except Natrilo oil which resulted in an appreciable reduction in infestation in comparison with half dose of curacron, larvin and kendo (66.33, 67.55 and 69.37% reduction, respectively). The percentage of reduction ranged between 11.20% for jajoba and 54.69% for Natrilo oil.
In 1999 season, the combinations of Natrilo oil (promising material) with half dose of kendo and larvin increased their effectiveness (from 74.38 to 81.55% and from 72.31 to 76.43% reduction respectively), while the contrary was obtained with half dose of Curacron where the combination decreased the effectiveness (from 71.77 to 70.27% reduction). On the other hand, Natrilo induced a slight effect on whitefly and aphid, while it had no effect on jassid. The combinations of Natrilo with tested insecticides increased the effect of kendo and Curacron on whitefly, but the activity against aphid was slightly increased by combining Natrilo with larvin and curacron. A very weak increasing effect was appeared when Natrilo was combined with kendo and larvin against jassid