The present work was carried out to study the change in response of S.littoralis collected at early and late season for some conventional insecticides e.g Organophosphorous (profenofos and chlorpyrifos), and synthetic pyrethriods (fenvalerate and cypermethrin), and some non traditional insecticides e.g cutabroon and empire. Also correlation values of enzyme activities and their relation with means of lethal concentrations in late season was studied.
The obtained results showed inseceticidal correlation in their toxicity against field strain of S.littoralis.
Highly significant positive correlation was recorded between profenofos and empire and also between chlorpyrifos and cutabroon, besides empire.
Also obtained data indicated that elevation of lethal concentrations after spray season for cutabroon, chlorpyrifos, fenvalerate and cypermethrin, in general were either positively correlated with AIK-P or negatively correlated with the tramsaminases. Empire and profenofos gave positive and negative correlation with determined enzymes. No relation was observed between Acid-E or Alpha-E and elevation of lethal concentrations, and no reported have been found, that transaminases (GPT and GOT) play any fixed role in pesticides tolerance or resistance.