To improve the status and productivity of Washington navel orange and Williams banana plants grown in soil infested by citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, and root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, respectively, two field experiments were conducted during the two successive seasons (1999 and 2000) in west Nubaria region using 3 concentrations of the bioproduct, AgerinÒ and three common nematicides (Mocap < sup>Ò 10G, TemikÒ 10G and VydateÒL 24%). AgerinÒ and the tested nematicides proved to be effective in reducing the damage caused by nematodes, improving plants growth and their productivity. In the 1st season, TemikÒ and AgerinÒ50 g treatments gave the highest reduction in numbers of citrus nematode juveniles (92 and 89 %) and females (91 and 89 %), respectively, followed by Mocap 10G and Vydate L 24% with 83-84 % reduction. In the 2nd season, reduction % decreased. Temik and AgerinÒ50g were the most effective treatments giving 90.2 and 85.6 reduction, respectively. TemikÒ, VydateÒL and Mocap < sup>Ò gave the highest reduction of root-knot nematode juveniles infected banana roots (85.8-86.3 %) and number of eggs (87.8-89.2 %) followed by Agerin 50g with 81 and 84 % reduction of juveniles and eggs, respectively. Similarly, reduction % decreased with a low proportion in the 2nd season, Temik, AgerinÒ50 g and Mocap gave the highest reduction followed by Vydate L.
Temik and Agerin 50 g caused the lowest rate of reproduction (Pf/Pi) of citrus nematode J2 and females in both seasons. Similar results were obtained on banana plants.
Both nematode population dynamics and monthly change percentages of nematode populations, in both crops, showed decreasing in numbers of citrus and root-knot nematode stages.
AgerinÒ and the tested nematicides resulted in a significant increase in the yield, fruit size, T.S.S, T.S.S/acidity, and vitamin C in navel orange. As well as, number of hands/bunch, number of fingers/bunch, and pseudostem height and girth of banana. The concentrations of N, P, K, Fe, Zn and Mn in leaves of navel orange and banana treated with the tested nematicides and AgerinÒ (50 and 40 g/plant) were significantly increased. Results indicated the possibility of using AgerinÒ as an environmentally friendly and safe alternative for controlling citrus and root-knot nematodes instead of the use of conventional hazardous chemicals.