The effect of sterilized or non-sterilized organic animal manures Le. chicken,
horse, pigeon, mixed with SefTBtia marcescens in comparison with Oxamyl in
controlling Meloidogyne incognita infecting Balady peach plant cv. Meet-Ghamr under
greenhouse conditions showed that the unsterilized chicken manure and pigeon-dung
accomplished the highest percentage of nematode reduction when applied either
singly or integrated with Oxamyl or S. marcescens with values of 99.70, 98.80 or
98.78 and 99.68 or 98.57 and 97.60%, respectively. Moreover, the sterilized horse
manure or pigeon-dung that applied either singly or mixed with Oxamyl or S.
marcescens also achieved the highest percentage of nematode reduction with values
of 99.5,72.9 or 97.60,99.67 or 98.n, 97.9%, respectively.
However, the un sterilized horse manure as well as the sterilized chicken
manure in a single application gave the least values of nematode reduction with
values of 72.9 and 44.90%, respectively.
In general, the unsterilized organic manures gave better results than the
sterilized manures tested in improving plant growth response and suppressing
nematode population whether in soil or root. A dramatic reduction in total counts of
bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes was noticed in non-sterilized animal manures at 90
days after nematode inoculation. Mites identified from animal manures were related
to Mesostigmata, Prostigmata and Cryptostigmata groups.The sterilized organic manures showed Significant increase in N, P and K, concentrations in dry shoot of peach plant exceeding those of nematode alone. The
total chlorophyll was Significantly increased by the sterilized pigeon-dung alone or
mixed with Oxamyl or by the unsterilized horse manure integrated with S. marcescens.