The present 'Investigation was undertaken \0 ascertain the efficacy of three
soil pesticides viz .. tnazophos, methomyl and carboxin-thiram against egg- masses
hatching 01 Meloidogyne javanica under laboratory conditions and gall formation as
result to soil drench. foliar spray and bare-root dipĀ· treatment through using modified
gall formation test.
The study revealed that under laboratory conditions. triazophos recorded
high efficiency against egg-masses hatChing followed by carboxin-thiram and
methomyl. The descending order of ovicIdal activity at ecSO was 0.085. 0.520 and
6.5 ppm.
There are an obvious relationship between effectiveness of tested
compounds Bgainst gall formation Bnd methods of treatment with the same
technique. So. mazopncs and methOmyl were more effective In case of gall formation
under soil drench treatment than loliar spray treatment. Also fOliar spray treatment
indicated highly efficacy of carboxln- thiram against gall {ormation as comparing with
soil drench. The respective EC50 values were 13.8 and 21.4 ppm.
All tested compound showed effectiveness against root galling after different
durations of bare-root dip treatment. Triazophos was most toxic compound followed
by carboxin-thiram and then methomy!. The respective reduction In gall formation
were between 29.8-100 %,37-73.3 % and 4~.9-6a % by trealmant with ~O~OO ppm.
No significant effect was noticed !>etween tested (X)(lcsnlrations in case or t/iazophos
also period of exposure was not significant With triazophos and carnoxin-thirarn.
Modified gaff formation test appear to be adequate for screening JarQe
number or chemicals to detect nematicidal actl'o'lty independent of mode of action
through different methods o{ treatment (soil drench, foliar spray and bare-reo! dip).