The efficacy of bone, fish and blood powder as attractive additive on
sensation of zinc phosphide bait consumption and activity against Rattus rattus and
Rattus norvegicus rodent species, in compared with crushed maize as conventional
bait additive were estimated at Kafr EI-Sheikh, Beala, EI·Hamol and Metobes districts,
Kafr EI-Sheikh Governorate during 2001 summer season. Data revealed that the tested additive materials when mixed with zinc phosphide at 1, 1.5 and 2 % rate of applications exhibited height % reduction of rats population at the for tested locations, when compared with those of crushed maize conventional bait additive. It is clear that mixture of fish powder pius 1 % zinc phosphide exhibited the highest % reduction of rats population at the four tested locations (69.5, 66, 69 and 74 %) reduction, followed by bone powder (68, 65,8 66 and 71 %) and blood powder (66.5, 64, 67 and 69 %), while crushed maize was the lowest one (62, 58, 63 and 65 %) reduction, respectively. The same trend of activity was observed in case of mixtures of the tested additives with the rest of tested zinc phosphide concentrations at the same tested locations. The obtained % reduction in rats population for bone, fish, blood powder and crushed maize, mixed with 1.5 % (zinc phosphide concentration at the four tested
locations) were (75, 73,77 and 75 %), (78, 76, 78 and 78 %), (73, 70, 72 and 73 %)
and (65, 67, 64 and 70 %), while at 2 % concentration were (88, 87, 84 and 90 %),
(90,89,87 and 92 %), (87, 85. 82 and 83 %) and (78, 75, 77 and 78 %), respectively.