Using differently coloured sticky paper traps counts of captured insects of
. cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae as well as of its predators; Orius spp. and
Paederus a/fierii and its parasitoid Aphido/etes aphidimyza were carried out in two
years (1998 and 1999) in Fayoum governorate. The obtained data showed that the
white sticky traps were the best for capturing the cabbage aphid B. brassicae
followed by the yellow one, then came the blue, green and red traps. The time course
of count of trapped insects showed two phases: the first started on zs" of February
and ended on 1 th of March with a ~eak on 13th of March, while the second phase
started on 3'd of April and ended on 24t of April with a peak on io" of April. The other
coloured sticky traps were less efficient and it can be arranged in the descending
order as follows : white > yellow > blue > green> red. All traps showed the time
phases of the time course of captured counts. Concerning the predators and
parasites of B. brassicae, white traps were far more efficient in capturing them, while
green traps were far inefficient.