A survey of plant parasitic nematodes associated with the rhizosphere of fruit orchards of grape cvs. Asmei, Razqui and Black; plum, apple, peach and pear, vegetable crops i.e. potato, cucumber and garlic; ornamental plant, gladiolus plus one garlic bulb was carried out. Twenty soil samples plus one sample of garlic bulb were collected from five localities: Karada, El-Force, Bani-mater, El-Klees and Azban Farm. Description of climatic conditions of the studied area of Sana'a district, the capital of Yemen was included. Twelve nematode genera were recorded. Based on their frequency of occurrence, these genera can be arranged in descending order as follows: Pratylenchus, Ditylenchus, Longidorus, Tylenchorhynchus, Meloidogyne (Larvae), Xiphinema, Helicotylenchus, Trichodorus, Criconemoides; Paratylenchus; Aphelenchus and Aphelenchoides.
Grape cv. Asemi and Plum appeared to encounter the highest number of nematode genera (9 gen. each), followed by garlic plant (8 gen.), apple (7 gen.) potato (7 gen.), barely (7 gen.), grape cv. Black and Razqui (4 gen. each), peach (4 gen.), pear (4 gen.), cucumber (3 gen.) and gladiolus (2 gen). Relations between frequency of occurrence of nematode genera, soil type and plant species are discussed.