This study was conducted at the farm of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sebha (Libya) and the experimental farm of sakha, Research Statio , Kafr
Ef·Sheikh (Egypt) during 199811999 and 1999/2000 seasons, respectively.
Results indicted that Hypera bnmneipennis (Boh.) (adults) exhibit~d two
peaks during March and May at Sebha, while they occurred in Janua1ry and
April at Kafr El-Sheikh. On the other hand, H. brunneipennis (larvae) peaked
once in March in the two tested regions. Coccinel/a spp, reac ed its
maximum in November, February and April at Sebha while it had only peak in
April at Kafr EI·Sheikh which associated with the highest peak of H.
brunneipennis (adults). Chryscperla camea (Steph.) and Scymnus spp. had
two peaks of abundance in November and May at Kafr EI-Sheikh, while Orius
spp. peaked once in May in the two tested regions. Paederus alfien'i (Koch.)
was not observed at Sebha. Statistical analysis indicates significant positive
correlation (r = 0.416) between each of Coccinella spp., P. alfieri', true
spiders and H. brunneipennis (adufts) at Kafr El-Sheikh, while it was highly
significant positive between the same insect and Orius spp. (r = 0.473) at
Sebha. One field generation of H. brunneipennis (larvae) was detected during
a period extended from the third week of February and the fourth week of
May in both regions. Five generations for each Coccinella spp, and true
spiders were recorded during a period elapsed from November and June,
while they were one for Orlus spp. in both regions and four generations of P.
alfieri; between November and May at Kafr EI-Sheikh.