Isolation trials from rotted roots of annona plants collected fro different
localities revealed the presence of seven fungal genera including Bo odiplodia
theobromafl. CUNu/aria sp .• Fusarium oxysporum. F. semitflctum. Macrophomina
phaseo/ina. Pythium ummum, Rhizoctonia solani and Nigrospora sp. However, F.
oxysporum was the most dominant fungi followed by R. so/ani. B. thaobrom 9 and M.
p,');;s90Iina. Among the isolated fLlngi, F. oxysporum was the most pathogen c cau~ing
yellowing. wilting and mortality on the seedlings. Applying ammonium sui ate at the
rate of 5 and 10 gm/plant. significantly increased the percentage of infectio than the
other fertilized treatments. The lowest percent of infection was detected in the
treatment with potassium sulfate (2.5 and 5 gmlplant). All fertilizers tested significantly
increased plant growth parameters compared with the control. Kristalon (NPK) at the
rate of 2 and 4 gm/plant, showed the highest values of plant height and number of
leaves per plant. Soaking seeds in suspensions of the tested fungicides reduced Ihe
percentage of seedlings infected with F. oxysporum. However, Vitavaxrr a d Homai
were the most effective in controlling the disease. Soil drench with Ihe tesled
fungicides revealed that Topsin M followed by Vltavaxrr gave the highest percentages
of healthy survival seedlings, 90 days after transplanting.