Survey of pests and natural enemies was carried out in apple orchards at
Kafer EI Dawar region. Beherra govemorate during two successive years of 1997.
1998. The measured densities of different identified destructive pest specres indicated
that. the highest population dynamic of phytophagous mites represented 5.6% and
86.8% during both years; including the phytcphaqous ones Ac:ulops malus Zaher
and Abou Awad; Panonychus ulmi (Koch) and Tetmnychus urticae (Koch). The
highest total numbers was noticed for A.malus which amounted 1918 and 9256
individuals/100 twigs during the 1" and 2noyears. respectively. while the total
numbers of each of P.ulmi and T.urticae was more or less lower and comp ised 3783
and 324 and 1412 and 1401 individuals/100 twigs during the salj11e years.
respectively In comparison, Eriosoma lanigerum (Forsted) and Aphidi porri:de (Geer)
were the most abundant insect pests representing 31.01 and 81.59 0 of total
inspected insects-species during the both years respectively. Little numbers of
predatory species were identified especially predatory insects.
The calculated correlation values of the revealed climatic conditions md
inspected mite species showed different interrelationships. in particular. WIth rninim.nn
temperature followed by maximum temperature which indicated the significant relationship
with phytophagous mites and the insignificant relationships with predatory ones.