Field experiments were carried out to identify and estimate the abundance 0 soil
mites undemeall, apple trees throughout June/Dec. 1997 at Kafer EI-Dawar region.
8eherra province. Results indicated the occurrence of different mite species of our
suborders of Oribatida. Gamasida. Actineda and Acaridida. The mean totai numbers fj"om
June to December on li\ree replicate to were 1303, 246.2. 292.3 and 219.7, respedively.
Oribalida was the highest abundant. Also, monthly variations among the mite species re
Twenty soil-mite species belonging to fifteen families were found underneath
soil associated with apple trees. induding parasitolds. predators and mite of
uncertain feeding habits during the periods of investigation.
In addition, the comparative efficiency of neoron (Bromopropylate). cidial
(Penthoote) and biofly (Beauvaria bussiana) on tested-either soil mites or ite
species on the above phytophagous ones on apple leaves was studied. Res lis
indicated that the test-material induced the highest reductions in AcuJops malus
(Zaher and Abou-Awad), Panonychus ulm; (Koch) and Tetranychus urticee (Koch) on
leaves after 7 days as well as tested for long periods of 4 months after application. In
addition there were sensitivity of soil mites to the test-pesticides after 7 days ith
higher sensitivity of Acaridida significant difference were noticed among inspection
periods and average percent reductions in mite species on apple leaves and those in
soil underneath trees.