Field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of
Agriculture, Saba Basha, Alexandria University during two succ ssive growing cotton
seasons 1999 and 2000 to evaluate the side effect olthtee phe~omone Formulations
and I or profenotos insecticide in special regimes on spiny bollworm Eanas insuJana
(Boisd.) as non target insect. In addition the side Influence o~ the treatments were
assessed on some predators. The experiments revealed the fOlloWing results:
Il was round that the lowes' seasonal mean numbers of Inspected spiny bollworm
Larvae (4.03, 4.42 larvae I 100 bolls) in the profenofos = insecticide
treatment while It was (4.16,5.15 in T1, 5.33, 6.06 in T2 and 5 39,5.52 larvae 1100
bolls in TJ during the seasons of 1999 and 2000, respectivel ).
There was no significant difference between the three cultlvars of cotton ( Giza70
, Giza88 and Giza89) .
The results showed that the population densities of prevailing and common
predators were about 3-7 folds in pheromone I insecticide - treated areas
compared with the Insecticide treatment during the study.The highest percent
values of the total inspected predators were (22.39, 21.8 and21.02)during
season 1999,and (23.23. 22.51 and 23.4%) during seaso 2000 on Giza70,
Giza88 and Glz.aS9 in T, (P8. Rope I curacron I seliba\e I racron ) foIlwed by
18.91, 18.76, 20.2% in TJ (selibate 1 curacronnast flight! curacron ) in season
1999; 19.01 • 18.1 and 19.0% in Season 2000 In Giza 70. Giza 88 and Giza 89 ,
respectively. The lowest percent values were obtained in insecticide treatment
were ( 13.9,13.47 and 13.36) in season 1999; 10.29. 11.27 a d 11.29 In season
2000 on the three mentioned cUlllvars respectively.
True spiders, Chrysopa spp. And Onus spp. were dominant i pheromone and I
or insecticide- treated areas. The most susceptible species of predators for the
insecticide application were peadrus spp .. Coccinella spp. And Scymnus spp.