Certain sugar beet insect pests were assessed by height, area and shape of
yellow sticky traps placed in sugar beet fields at Kafr EI-Sheikh region, during
2002/03 and 2003/04 seasons.
Results inc :ated that Pegomyia mixta ViII., Cassida vittataVill., Aphis
gossyp < /em>ii Glov., Emp < /em>oasca spp. and Bemisia tabaci Genn. were the most insects
caught on traps placed at 30, 60 and 90 cm above ground. The results also revealed
that traps placed at 90 cm significantly caught more numbers of C. vittata, A.
gossypii, Empoasca spp. and B. tabaci than that positioned at 30 and 60 cm above
ground, which were more attractive for P. mixta adults.
Data revealed that wind velocity had no significant effect on catch numbers.
Results also indicated that there was a positive and highly significant relationship (r =
0.99) between area of trap and its numbers of catch.
Results also, revealed that the three tested shapes of trap (circle, square
and triangle) were attractive for the considered insects without significant differences.