The study was adopted to evaluate the toxic effect of five plant extracts for
controlling the land snail Monacha cantiana (Montagu) during the Egyptian clover
season of 2004, at Kafr EI-Sheikh Governorate. The plant extracts were Parsley,
Petroselinum sativum, Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare (L.), Liquorice Glycyrrhize glabra,
Fleabane Conyza aegyptiaca and Loquat Eriobotrya japonica. The effective material
was extracted by commercial ethanol 75%. .
Results revealed that although all tested plant extract baits were highly toxic
to land snail M. cantiana (100% mortality) during the first three days after field
application, but Liquorice, Parsley and Fennel Killed 94.2, 84.3 and 79.8%
respectively, of the land snail M. cantiana after six days of exposure.
The tested plant extracts showed the high persistence against the land snail
during the first three days and also, Liquorice, Parsley and Fennel extracts gave high
persistence against the same snail during the six days from field application. Toxicity
and persistence were rapidly decreased within six to nine days after treatment.