Study was conducted in an apiary at Manshia, 8ia/a. Katr E/-Sheikh
governorate during 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 seasons. Results indicated that the F,
Italian hybrid performed larger areas of sealed workers brood than Carniolan hybrid
with averages of 935.35 and 745.29 inch2fcolonyfmonth in the firs! season while they
were 917.79 and 774.92 inch2/colony/month in the second one, respectively. Also, F,
\lalian hybrid collected the largest amount of propolis (7.18 & 8.89 g/colony) and
pollen grains (865.05 & 901.03 g/colony) comparing with F, Camiolan hybrid with
averages of propolls (3.93 & 4.11 gfcolony) and pollen grains (627.87 & 640.90
g/colony) in both seasons, respectively. However, F, Camiotan hybrid secreted more
royal jelly (95.80 & 21.80 g/colony) than F, Italian hybrid (89.40 & 17.5 g/colony) in
the first season while it was 102.20 & 22.27 g/colony of F, Camiolan hybrid and
(92.53 & 16.97 g of F, Italian hybrid/colony in the second one by artifiCial and natural
method, respectively. At the end 0 f clover blooming season, the honey yield 0 f F ,
Camiolan hybrid was more (6.5 & 6.25 kg/colony) than F, Italian hybrid (4.75 & 5.25
kg/colony) in the two tested seasons. Respectively. Vice versa at the end of cotton
blooming, F, Italian hybrid was the higher in the honey yield (7.75 & 8.50 kg/colony)
than F, Camiolan hybrid (5.75 & 6.25 kg/colony) in both seasons, respectively. From
the current results, it could be concluded that the Fl Italian honeybee performed
larger areas of worker brood, and greater amounts of proplis, pollen and cotton honey
yield than F I Camiolan honeybee. By contrast. the F 1 Caeniolan achieved larger
areas of drone brood, and produced greater amounts of royal jelly and clover honey
yieled than F I Italian.