Biochemical results revealed that both flufenoxuron and abamectin caused,
in general, reduction in total protein content of the treated larvae. The reduction
percent than check in protein persisted for 120 hrs without signs of recovery. The
results indicated that the highest percentage of reduction in protein level was -44.46
% at 120 hrs for abamectin, and -42.17 % for flufenoxuron at 96 hrs, while the lowest
percentages were -27.1 % and -39.13 % at 48 hrs for the two tested compounds,
respectively. The results showed that there was significant differences between the
effects of the two tested compounds and the check at all time intervals. Both
compounds resulted in remarkable percentages of reduction in acetylcholinesterase
activity which was more pronounced for flufenoxuron than for abamectin. However,
the maximum reouction occurred was -39.81 % at 48 hrs time interval for
flufenoxuron, while the minimum was 15.55 % and occurred at 72 hrs for abamectin.
The results revealed the occurrence of gradual increase in GOT activity by the
progression of time in normal larvae. On the other hand, flufenoxuron exhioited similar
trend of increase in GOT activity but of higher magnitude. In contrast, abamectin
exhibited reduction in GOT, reached its maximum (45.63 %) at 120 hrs after
treatment. The results showed significant reduction in GPT activity following
treatment by abamectin and flufenoxuron after 48 and 72 hrs of post-treatment.
Whereas at 96 and 120 hrs time intervals, the enzyme activity significantly increased
relative to check at the two time intervals.