The present experiments were earned out in the farm of Agriculturat
Research Center. Faculty of Agriculture. Mansoura University on guava trees during
the two successive years 2001 and 2002 at Mansoura district. This study aimed to
give some ccotoqlcal information about the dominant primary parasitoids attacking
the soft scale insect. Pu/vinan'a psidii Mask on guava trees. .
The obtained results revealed that there were live primary parasitoids
belonging to three Families (Aphelinidae. Encyrtidae. and Eulophidae) attacking P.
psidii nymphs and adults. These primary parasitoids were identified as; Encarsia
ci(nna Craw. Oiversinervus e/egans Silv .. Metaphycus Ilevus How .. Microterys navus
How. and Tetrestichus ceropteste« Gir. The most dominant species one was D.
e/agans as it formed 44.75% of the total catch in 2001 and 52.46% in 2002. The
lowest species was Microterys navus (9.47 and 9.10%) in 2001 and 2002. Two peaks
of parasitism were recorded in the first year of study for E. ciuin» attacking P. psidii
nymphs. These peaks were found in the end of January (4.9%) and in the end of
August (6.2%). while during the second year. the highest density of E. ciuin« was
recorded. in the end of January. in the first week of July, in the end of August and in
the second week of November. Hi9hly significant positive correlation were found
between numbers of P. psidii nymphs versus E. citnns (r ;: 0.568 and 0.689 in 2001
and 2002. On the other hand. live peaks of parasitism on P. p < /em>sidii adults were
recorded during the two years of study. The parasitism showed highly Si9nificant
correlation with P. psidii adults in 2001 and 2002 as 'r' values were 0.776 and 0.766.
Based on simple linear regression between the number of P. psidii adults and the
percentage of parasitism. there were positive strong relationship during the two years
of study.