Methomyl was formulated as granular formulation using Dyatomite (D) and
Ca2 C03 (VP) as a carrier to 5, 10, 15 and 20% (wlw ai) against Monacha
ceitusiana on moist sod under laboratory and field conditions.
Gastrotox 5 % pellets was tested for companson and as recommended moHuscicide.
Data revealed that Mettiom2yl (GYP) 20 and 15 % were the most effective,
LCo values (9.75 end 11.2 gm I m) foaowed by Gastrotox, Methomyl (GYP) 10 %
and Methomyl (GYP) 5 %, LCo values (2.28, 12.17 and 1689 gm I m2. While
Methomyl (GD) (5, 10, 15 and 20 %) were the lowest treatments, LC5C (25, 27.95.
32.72 and 38.58 gm I ni2) respectively, under laboratory conditions.
Field trials showed that Gastrotox 5 % and Methomyl (GPY) 20 % were the
most effective of the tested compounds against M. ceitusiana. Reduction percenta9es
were (65.93 , 94.97 and 98.13) % and (82.96, 92.14 and 96.28 ) % for the rate of (2,
4 and 6 gm / m2) and (15, 20 and 25 gin I ni2) respectively, followed by Mettiomyl
(GPY) 15 % (75.04, 87.45 and 91.14) % reduction, Wl'le Methomyl (GPY) 10 % was
the lowest one (58.89, 6905 and 8540) %reduction.