The effect of temperatures and food types were investigated on biological
aspects of Cheyletus malaccensis and Neoselulus barken when fed on eggs and
immature stages of the grain mite Tyrophagus putnscentiae at 258 30°C and 65±5%
Data showed that the predator mite Ch. malaccensis passed through one
lerval and two nymphal stages before being adult female, while the male had one
larval and one nymphal stage before being adult.
Female total Immature stages lasted 10.9 days at 25°C, while at 30°C this
period durated 9.72 days when predator mite fed on immature stages of T.
putrescentiae, while when ¡t fed on eggs these penods lasted 10,37 and 9.55 days
The obtained data cleared that female longevity lasted 52.8 8 47.76 days at
25 and 30°C, when mite fed on immature stages of T. putiescentiae, while when t fed
on eggs this period lasted 49.11 and 3843 days at the same pattern.
The effect of temperature and prey tyeps were investigated on biological
aspects of the phytoseild mite N. bakeri when fed on eggs and immature stages of
the grain mite T. putrescentiae at 25 and 30°C and 65±5% RH, whereas, female and
male life cycle of N. barken were (7.4 8 6.7) and (8.1 8 75) days when they fed on
eggs and immatures at 25°C, while at 30°C, these periods durated (6.8 8 6.3) and
(7.58 7.0) days for both sexes female and male respectively.