The present work aimed to study: I Effect of colors on aggressiveness of
honeybee races. 2. Hygienic behaviour in the laboratory tests and the colony as
indication of controlling of brood disease and varroa mite. 3. Relationship between
aggressiveness and hygienic behaviour. 4-Ggrooming behaviour, and experience of
the bees for removed disease brood as quickly by mixed some races to another
colony races wtiich the bees didn't learn the behaviour.
The results obtained showed that, the Egyptian honeybee colonies showed the
severest aggressivcness and the Carniolan hybrid and Italian colonies show more
aggressiveness than the other colonies of pure races. The races of honeybee
colonies showed that, the severest aggressiveness to red and purple colors but the
inferior aggressiveness to wtìite and yellow colors. Highest value of hygienic
bahaviour was in Egyptian colonies followed by FI Italian and Fi Camiolan colonies
but the lowest value was in Carniolan colonies.
The relationship between aggressive behaviour and hygienic behaviour in the
honeybee colonies, showed that Egyptian honeybee colonies caused high aggressive
behaviour (93.61%) and hygienic behaviour (94.79%), on the contrary the Italian
honeybee colonies caused aggressive behaviour (17.23%) and hygienic behaviour
There was a positive correlation between aggressive behaviour and hygienic
behaviour for the honeybee races in the expenments.
Highest grooming behaviour was found in Egyptian race, followed by Italian
hybrid, Cambian hybrid. On the contrary, the lowest grooming behaviour was found in
Camiolan and Italian race. While addition Egyptian sealed worker brood in the other
colony races, the debris mites maybe occurred as a result of attacking this mite by
mandibles of workers bees and this behaviour (grooming behaviour) is more of FI
Italian and FI Carniolan.
On the other hand addition Egyptian sealed worker brood in Cambian, Italian, Fi
Carniolan and FI Italian colonies caused increase of resistance mechanism to
Varroasis reached 1421, 27.3, 28.57 and 26.32%. respectively.