Field experiments were conduced during 2004 and 2005 cotton growing
seasons at Sakha Agricultural Research Station Farm to evaluate the effect of
Gaucho and Cruiser as seed treatments at recommended and half rate as well as
their mixtures with the fungicide, Rizolex~T against the thrips. Thr/ps fabac/ (Lind)
and the cotton aphid, Aph/s gossypi‘i tC-lov ) at early cotton season,
The obtained results revealed that Gaucho and Cruiser at recommended
rate were effective against both thrips and aphids for 7 weeks after planting. The
reduction percentage in thrips populatior was 78.4 and .72 1% , respectively in the first
season and 69 5 and 63 4% ,respechtely in the second one. while the effect on
apnids was 77' 8 and 60 % reduction ,respectively in the first season and 71 8 and
58 7% reduction, respectively in the second one, The effect of the two tested
insecticides decreased with the decline of their rates and / or mixing with the
fungicide, Rizolex-T The data also, indicated that the tested insecticides had low
toxic effect on the population densrty cf assooated predators On the other hand,
the fungiCIde; Rizolex-T alone had significantly the lowest effect on the population of
the two insects as well as the predators
Thus. it should not mixed the two insecticides ( Gaucho and Cruiser ) with
the fungiCide Rizolex-T as cotton seed treatments against the two sucking pests at
early cotton season,