The effect of the natural Infestation with certain sucking insects of aphids spp. ,
whiteflies , iassids and thrips on the gross chemical composition and epicutical lipids
in leaves of two local globe artichoke cultivars , Cordoon and Hybrid c.vs ,grown at
Shubramunt village in Giza Governcrate in the season , 2002 l 2003 , in order to
protect the crop properties . The aphid population of some species was the highest
number on leaves of both the cultivars during the tested season . followed by
Bern/sia tabac ( Genn ) while Enrpcasca dea'pieris Poet: and Tfirips {abaci Lmn were
the lowest one This is considered as the first record of this cultivars in Egypt
Chemical analySis were made at the Centre? La .oratory cf Fac Of Agrlc , Ain Shah s
Univ ,, Egypt , to evaluate the constituents and epicuticual lipids , the percent
measurements of its fractions and the e‘fect of these sucking infestation The total
nitrogen , reductng sugar , non-reducing sugar .total soluble sugar ,starch . protein ,
fats and moisture besides the epicuticuai lipids were determined in leaf samples
collected at two intervals ranging from 2 weeks from each the two tested seasons
The results showed that each reducrng , non—reducing sugars and total solubie sugars
are positively affected the infestation with sucking insects as 36.17 , 19.26 , 28.80
respectively in leaf samptes of Cordoon cv. ‘v‘v'hile on Hybrid cv. it reduced
completely ( 10 9'0 ) in leaf samples , An increase showed in total nitrogen and
protein contents as 189 9'0 and 1.90 % respectively in infested leaf sample of Cordon
but it decreased in Hybrid infested leaves as 364 9'5 and 3.67 % respectively . Fats
decreased in both tested cultivars as 22.01 % and 18 68 % while starch and mosture
increased each as 67.64 0/0 , 70.49 % for starch and 23.80 0/0 . 25 49 9t; for the second
content , respectively for both the cultiva's ( all based on dry weight ). Furthermore ,
leaf sample were assayed for their specifc phenolic composnion ( Tannic acid ji when
the analysts recorded decrement as 72,39 % , when: its percentage decreased from
0‘63 % in infested leaves ample to 0.045 ‘36 in uninfected leave sample for the Hybrid
c v, Affected these sucking infestation . Also , there were a distinct differences in
epicuticular lipids contents between both the infested and uninfected leaves of tie two
tested cultivars . Some of these epicuticular lipids ; phospholipids ,monoglyceride ,
sterol , fatty actds , triglyceride and sterol ester markedly increased while diglyceride
decreased and hydrocarbon were constant . in Cordoon infested leave sample
whereas , in hybrid an increase recordec‘ in monoglyceride , diglyceride . sterol ester
and hydrocarbon contents , a decrease showed in sterol but phospholipids , fatty
acids and triglyceride were constant in both the infested and uninfected leaves
sample. Therefore , it is recommended to control these sucking insects on g .
artichoke plants using rules based on safe and modern | ,P M. programs from public
health point of view .