The effect of diluted ethanolic extracts of five crude extracts of worrnseed
(Artemisia cinae), lemongrass (Cymbopogon cflrates), senna (Cassia acutifoiia),
geranium (Peiargonium graveoiens) and sweet basil (Ocimum basrircum) in addition to
methomyl as standard molluscicide were tested for their mortality effects against
Eobania vennicuiata, Theba pisana and Monacha obstructs snails at concentrations
25, 50, i5 and 100% and Biochemical studies were also conducted in vivo to
determine the lower concentrations (5, 10. 25 and 50%) of the tested crude extracts
and methomyl on the activity of ALT (Alanine Transaminase) and AST (Aspartate
transaminase) as well as the total soluble protein in the three tested snails. The
Eobania vennicuiata was highly affected by lemongrass. wonnseed and senna crude
extracts but Theba pisana and Monacha obstructs were less sensitive. On the other
hand, AST enzyme in E. vermicuieta was higher stimulated by all the tested crude
extracts than methomyl. The effect of methomyl on the activity of AST enzyme in T.
pisana and M. obstructs was nearly similar with the effects of the tested extracts. ALT
enzyme was weakly affected different crude extracts in addition to methomyl. Total
soluble protein was very sensitive in E. vermiouiata to senna extract and methomyl.