In this study 4 treatments were applied on worker honeybees to study
their stimulative effect on their ovaries deveIOpment. Five groups of newly
emerged Carniolan worker bees were used for this study. The first and
second bee groups were exposed to low temperature at 4 °C for V2 and 1
houre, respectively, while the third and fourth groups were expopsed to 40 "C
for 24 hour and Co: for 5 minutes, respectively. The remaining group was
used as a control. The bees were put in small cages supplied with a piece of
wax comb containing pollen and supplied with diluted sugar solution and
water. After applying the treatments the cages were put in an incubator at
34 °C . After 30 days the cages were inspected and the remaining workers
were dissected to detrmine the degree of ovaries development in the different
treatments. The effect of 72- and 1-hour cold treatments were superior to CO;
treatment. The CO; had no stimulative effect on ovary development. The
results suggested further using of lower temperature or incresing the
exposure duration for the current low temperature as a tool for obtaining
drones from workers with specific characters.