Experiments were carried out in the Laboratory of Economic Entomology
Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansowa University, during the period of March
2003 till September 2004, to study certain biological characteristics of the predator
Exochomus ni‘gromaoufatus .(Goeze) reared on April's non? (Boyer de F onsconlonbe),
Rhopalosfphum maidis (Fitch) and Macrosiphum pisi (Harris) under laboratory
conditions. The obtained results showed that the duration period of the predator
larvae averages were 17.1104, 13.110.40 and 13.710213 days when reared on the
three tested aphid species, respectively.
The averages of the total consumption during the larval stage were
482512546, 384.4112.B1 and 226211854 aphid individuals when this predator
reared on A. neni‘, R. maldis and M. pier; respectively.
During the longevity period of the predator adult female, which averaged
490016.34 days, 54.00160? days and 4?.3016.99 days when reared on the three
tested aphid species. The predator female consumed during its longevity period an
average of 216820133317, 1015611431 and 123120120043 aphid individuals
when fed on A. neat, R. maidi's and M. pisr', respectively.
The fecundity of the predator female was 830012.17, 9060011047 and
211601320 eggs, by rearing on the three previously aphid species. During the
longevity period of the predator male, which averaged 37.401103, 370011.73 and
37.401108 days, when this predator reared on A. nanl', R. maidis and M. pisi. The
predator male consumed during its longevity period an average of 9264011929,
41590012523 and 7498013605 aphid individuals.
The statistical analysis showed that there were a highly significant differences
on the biological aspects of E. nigromacufatus larvae and adult when reared on A.
nerfl', R. metals and M. pisi.
In conclusion, E. nigromacufatus (larvae and adults) could be employed as the
biological control agents against A. nani, Fl. maidis, and M. pisi, because this predator
has a short developmental time, a high survival rate, a high predation efficiency and
reproductive capacity.