Laboratory and Field experiments had been conducted to study the repellent
and toxic effect of four pesticides i.e Prothiofos, Fenthion, Oxadiazon and Metaioxyi +
Copper on house sparrow, Passer domestfcus nitotr'cus under Laboratory conditions
by appfaying each of choice and non-choice feeding systems. The obtained results
could be summarized as follows:-
1- Laboratory studies :-
The obtained results induced that in both one and two choice feeding
methods Fenthion was the most repellent one followed by Prothiofos, Oxadiazon and
Metaloxyl + Copper. In respect of repellency and toxicity; the obtained results
revealed that Fenthion was the highest repellent (0.0035 mgfkg) and toxic one
(0.02? mgl'kg) to Passer domesticus niioticus, followed by Prothiofos (0.0045
mglkg and 0.033 mgfkg), Oxadiazon (0.0043 and 0.028 mgr'kg) and Metaioxyl +
Copper (0.00501 mgfkg and 0.039 mgfkg).
2- Field studies :-
Studies were carried out at El-hamol district. Kafer El—shiekh G. The
applied pesticides induced high protection for Squash, Watermelon and Sunflower
seeds from creasted lark. Gatorade crisiata attack during the sowing stage. Also, the
same compounds induced high protection from house sparrow, palm dove, rock
pegion and hooded crow during the sprouting stage.