Three replicates were selected from the areas cultivated with two crops each
one of two feddans in old land and the newly reclaimed land in Assiut district The first,
cultivated with wintry crop ( Wheat) while the second was the summer crop ( sorghum
) which were selected to study the population density monthly seasons of some bird
species. The results statistically analysis using Duncan analysis indicated that the
House sparrow (Passer domesticus niloticus ) wasThe highest population recorded
from old land with monthly means 18.89 & 20.53 birds than 2.56 & 3.86 birds in new
reclaimed land during 2003 & 2004respectively Also, there was highly significant
difference in population density of this bird during 2003 & 2004. Hooced crow (Corvus
corone cornix )recorded highly significant difference between the population density
in old land, with monthly means 2 .. 64 & 4.67 birds compared with newly reclaimed
land 0 .79 & 0.71 birds during 2003 & 2004 respectively .Also, there was highly
significant difference between the population density during 2003 and no significant
difference during 2004 . Palm dove (Streptopelia senegalensis egyptica) gave highly
significant difference between population density in the different habitat 4.36 & 4.89
birds compared with 1.42 & 2 .. 22 birds in the different habitat during 2003 & 2004
respectively. Also, The results revealed that There was highly significance between
the seasons during season of 2003 & 2004 .