The population density of the beet fly, Pegomyia mixta Vill. attacking for seven sugar beet varieties during the two successive seasons (2004/2005 and 2005-2006). It was found P. mixta has between one to three peaks on Lola, Carola, Kws1436, Hend9422, 3S40, Anema and Top varieties. Also, the range same trend was observed in the second season (2005-2006). Infestation rates of P. mixta.were studied on seven varieties (Lola, Carola, Kws1436, Hend9422, 3S40, Anema and Top). Kws1436 variety was the most susceptible than Top variety to P. mixta infestation. The moderate susceptible variety was Hend9422 during (2004-2005 & 2005-2006). The population density of the tortoise beetle, Cassida vittata Vill. attacking for seven sugar beet varieties during the two successive seasons (2004/2005 and 2005-2006). It was found C. vittata has between one to two peaks on Lola, Carola, Kws1436, Hend9422, 3S40, Anema and Top varieties. Also, the range same trend was observed in the second season (2005-2006). Infestation rates of P. mixta were studied on seven varieties (Lola, Carola, Kws1436, Hend9422, 3S40, Anema and Top). Anema variety was more susceptible than 3S40 variety to C. vittatainfestation. The moderate susceptible variety was Hend9422 during 2004-2005 sesaon. While during 2005-2006 season, found Kws1436 variety was more susceptible than Top variety to C. vittatainfestation. The moderate susceptible variety was Lola. The correlation between the infestation rate, root yield and sugar percentages of P. mixta and C. vittata on some varieties of sugar beet also, studied. 3S40 and Top varieties had the maximum yield Ton/fed. In addition, the sugar percentage of the two varieties reached the maximum. On the other hand, Anema variety had the minimum yield (Ton/fed.). The other varieties the yield ranged between (Lola to Carola), also, the sugar percentage ranged between (Lola-Kws1436). In conclusion, 3S40 and Top varieties gave the highest root yield and sugar production that we concluded with the lowest infestation rate by the two insect pests, P. mixta (larvae) and C. vittata (larvae and adults) compared with the other varieties.