In 2005 and 2006 tomato season, two experiments were conducted to study the effect of using five insecticides applied on cotton leaf-worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) and its predator Coccinella septempunctata tomato fields. Five pesticides Profenofos (Celeian 72%Ec), Diflubenzaron (Diflurait 25%WP), Methomyl (Mitholait 20%SL), Chlorpyriphos-methyl (Birodan 50%EC) and Fentrothyon (Adoya Fentro 50% EC) were tested. Weekly counts of numbers second and fourth instar larvae on cotton leaf-worm and its predator were conducted in each plot. Results showed that during season 2005 the insecticide mitholait was the most potent chemical on the fourth instar larvae (85.5%R), but it was the least on the second instar larvae (60.7%R).
Diflurait gave highly reduction on the second instar larvae (78.9%R). During season 2006, the results showed also, the insecticide mitholait was still the most effective one on the fourth instar larvae (78.8% R) and the least effective one on the second instar larvae (70.6% R), while the insecticide celeian gave the high effect on the second instar larvae (80.2% R). During two seasons, the insecticide diflurait was the least effective one and did not detrimental effects on the predator (70.9 and 71.4% R) respectively. This proves that combination of mitholait plus the diflurait may fit well into IPM programs.