Three natural materials (apple and lemon essences and dry powdered yeast) were used to improve the methomyl molluscicidal baits, also, the preferences of different foods were studied by using cabbage, lettuce and squash leaves comparing with wheat bran for chosing which one to be attractant for the brown garden snails (Eabania vermiculata). The results showed that wheat bran more attractant because the percentage of consumption was 56%, while. Lettuce, cabbage and squash leaves, their consumption percentage were 31.4, 19.09 and 6.22% respectively. These baited natural materials in addition to control free of them were applied at several distances (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 meters) from the tested land snail (100 snails). The results demonstrated that the distance was found to be very important to collect large number of snails on the different baits. So, methomyl bait free of the additive natural materials as control collected large number of dead snails at 0.5 meter with mean (25) dead snails than the other tested distances. However, the presence of lemon essence in methomyl bait increased the collected dead snails to be (56.3 in mean) more than the other tested natural materials (37.0) and control (25) at 0.5 meter. The shortest distance (0.5 m) was found more effective than the other long distances, in addition lemon essence was the best than other tested natural materials.