Two field trials were conducted in Itay El-Baroud, Beherah Governorate, to evaluate the effect of some isoproturon formulations (Arelon, Turnix, Isoflon and Swat) as well as hand weeding on annual weeds and their effects on wheat yield during 2004 – 2005 and 2005 – 2006 seasons. Five broad-leaved weeds (Beta vulgaris L., Chicorium pumpilum Jacq., Medicago intertexta (L.) Mill., Meliolotus indica L. and Rumex dentatus L). and three narrow-leaved weeds (Avena fatua, L. Phalaris minor L.Retz. and Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.) were predominant in both seasons. Broad-leaved weeds had higher density (17 and 19 plant m–2) and biomass (75.75 and 137.02 g.m-2) compared with grassy weeds (5 and 6 plant m–2) and (22.25 and 56.69 g.m-2) in both seasons, respectively. Also, the weed biomass was significantly reduced in all herbicidal treatments comparing with hand weeding treatment. Isoflon and Arelon treatments resulted in higher weed biomass reduction and higher wheat grain or straw yield than Turnix and Swat in both seasons. However, hand weeding treatment was the less effective one in this respect.
Generally, wheat fields infested with annual weeds should be treated with herbicides at 30 DAS to control these weeds and to reduce weed competition with wheat plants and consequently increased wheat yield.