The efficacy of the sex attractant, trimedlure diluted with oleic acid was estimated against the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) on guava and mandarin orchards. Four concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 98 %) were tested by using yellow Jackson traps. The current results illustrated that the highest general mean of C. capitata males was attracted by trimedlure at a concentration of 75% followed by 50, 98 then 25%, represented by 5.48, 3.74, 3.48 and 1.8 respectively as FTD in the first 5 weeks. Also in the second 5 weeks of study concentration 75% recorded the highest FTD (5.62) compared with concentrations of 50%, 98% and 25%. With respect to the general FTD all over the 10 weeks , concentration 75% was recorded the highest FTD( 5.55) followed by 50%(2..29) , 98%( 2.73) and 25% (1.82 flies per trap per day) respectively. Also, in mandarin concentration 98% recorded the highest FTD in the first 5 weeks of the study (1.83) on contrary other concentrations (75%, 50% and 25%) were (FTD= 1.39, 0.75 and 0.78 males per trap/day) respectively. The regression of the attractiveness of each tested concentration to PFF males, all over the 10 weeks, the efficiency of all of the tested concentrations did not affected by the elapsed time. However R2 -values were 0.040, 0.000, 0.011 and 0.001in the case of 98, 75, 50 and 25% concentrations, respectively in guava orchards , while in mandarin orchards all over the 10 weeks were relatively affected by elapsed time .
Keywords: Ceratitis capitate; trimedlure; oleic acid and sex attractant for MFF.
The efficacy of the sex attractant, trimedlure diluted with oleic acid was estimated against the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) on guava and mandarin orchards. Four concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 98 %) were tested by using yellow Jackson traps. The current results illustrated that the highest general mean of C. capitata males was attracted by trimedlure at a concentration of 75% followed by 50, 98 then 25%, represented by 5.48, 3.74, 3.48 and 1.8 respectively as FTD in the first 5 weeks. Also in the second 5 weeks of study concentration 75% recorded the highest FTD (5.62) compared with concentrations of 50%, 98% and 25%. With respect to the general FTD all over the 10 weeks , concentration 75% was recorded the highest FTD( 5.55) followed by 50%(2..29) , 98%( 2.73) and 25% (1.82 flies per trap per day) respectively. Also, in mandarin concentration 98% recorded the highest FTD in the first 5 weeks of the study (1.83) on contrary other concentrations (75%, 50% and 25%) were (FTD= 1.39, 0.75 and 0.78 males per trap/day) respectively. The regression of the attractiveness of each tested concentration to PFF males, all over the 10 weeks, the efficiency of all of the tested concentrations did not affected by the elapsed time. However R2 -values were 0.040, 0.000, 0.011 and 0.001in the case of 98, 75, 50 and 25% concentrations, respectively in guava orchards , while in mandarin orchards all over the 10 weeks were relatively affected by elapsed time .