A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of three fruit seed kernels viz: apricot, peach and plum either fresh or dry at three doses of 1, 2, and 4 gm/pot in comparison with oxamyl on okra plant growth response to the infection of Meloidogyne incognita as well as its root galling and eggmasses number. Results indicated that as the dose of each seed kernel applied either fresh or dry raised from one to four grams per okra seedling, plant growth parameters obviously ameliorated as well as root galling and reproduction of M.incognita reduced. Among the tested fruit seed kernels, fresh peach kernel at 4 gm / pot achieved the highest increase percentage in total plant fresh weight (157.9%), shoot dry weight (182.1%), followed by plum (152.3 & 171.4%), and then apricot (110.6 & 110.7%), respectively, comparing to nematode alone. Similar results was only obtained by dried peach powder (4 gm / pot) (181.8 and 135.7%) for the same plant characters. Oxamyl showed intermediate values of percent increase in plant growth parameters. The dose of one gram per pot of dried peach powder surpassed other treatments of apricot and plum even oxamyl with increase percentage value of 111.7%, for plant fresh weight. Moreover, plant received tested fresh seed kernels showed better performance in controlling M.incognita on okra than did the dried powder ones. Oxamyl as a nematicide surpassed all tested materials in suppressing number of root galls and eggmasses with values of 100% each. However, among the tested seed kernels the apricot fresh kernel at 4 gm / pot gave the highest percent reduction in numbers of root galls and eggmasses (95.8 & 100%), followed by apricot dry powder for only root galling (91.3%), then peach either dry or fresh kernels (90.3 & 100%) each, whereas, values of plum fresh kernel content were on par with those of peach (90.3 & 100%) comparing to nematode alone.