The pomegranate whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) ( Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) attacking different host economic plant species. Heavy infestation caused leaf wilt, early leaf drop and smaller fruit. The seasonal abundance of the pomegranate whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae ( Haliday) ( Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) and its parasitoid, Encarsia inaron (Walker) ( Hymenoptera : Aphelinidae) was conducted for two successive years from January, 2013 till December 2014 on pomegranate in Assuit Governorate . The results showed that, the insect population exhibited the lowest density in the beginning of March and disappeared during December, January and February. At the beginning of May the population increased gradually to reach maximum in 3400 individuals /80 leaves during Oct.1st (first year) and 3526 individuals /80 leaves during Oct.15th (second year). It is concluded that, S. phillyreae occurred all year round on pomegranate except It is disappearing during December, January and February of the period of study. The results indicated that the activity period have three overlapping generations the first one reached maximum populations during the first of July , the second one reached maximum populations during the mid of August and the third one reached maximum populations during the first of October in the first year . While in the second year the activity period have also three generations the first one reached maximum populations during the mid of June , the second one reached maximum populations during the mid of August and the third one reached maximum populations during the mid of October.The parasitoid, E.inaron recorded attacking this pest on pomegranate trees in Assuit with maximum and minimum populations were 29 and 2 individuals / 80 leaves during 1st August and 1st November (first year). In the second year, maximum and minimum populations were 33 and 3 individuals / 80 leaves during 1st August and 1st November. The results indicated that the activity period have three overlapping generations the first one reached maximum populations during the first of July , the second one reached maximum populations during the mid of August and the third one reached maximum populations during the first of October in the first year . While in the second year the activity period have also three generations the first one reached maximum populations during the mid of June , the second one reached maximum populations during the first of August and the third one reached maximum populations during the first of October. Productivity and economic indicators for the pomegranate crop in Egypt, also was studied.