Grafting malformed scions on healthy rootstocks of Succhari, Ewaise and Zebda cultivars recorded 80%, 72.2% and 64.7% disease transmission, respectively. In the same time, grafting healthy scions of the three tested cultivars on healthy transplant as control showed no disease transmission and all grafting transplants forming healthy growth for three years to present. Grafting healthy scions of Succhari cultivar beside apical malformation disease recorded 25 % disease transmission. On the contrary, grafting healthy scions of Zebda (resistant cultivar) beside apical malformation or in the same place after removing malformation recorded no disease transmission and all grafted transplants formed healthy growth to present. The obtained results indicate that grafting resistant healthy material is necessary to avoid disease transmission. However, grafting malformed scions of susceptible cultivar on healthy rootstocks of susceptible or resistant cultivars proved that the disease could be transmitted through grafting materials. On the other hand, sixteen mango cultivars were evaluated for the level of the panicle malformation disease intensity. Diseases intensity varied significantly among the evaluated mango cultivars. Mango cultivars have been categorized as resistant or susceptible according to their performance against the malformation disease under field conditions .Out of tested cultivars, Tymour, Company and Seddick were found to be susceptible, however, Fagr kelan and Zebda showed resistance to malformation. Unfortunately, the obtained results indicated that non of the cultivars are completely resistant to malformation.
The information generated from this study is useful to quantify and examine the level of susceptibility of mango cultivars to malformation and to provide bases for designing combinations among various cultivars for strategies leading to increase planting of mango tolerant strains. Effect of pruning malformed panicles on disease incidence indicates that pruning malformed panicles with 25-30cm away of healthy stem had a clear effect on decreasing the percentage of malformation. The three fungicides Octave, Tachigaren and Topsin –M showed a significant effect on controlling mango malformation of vegetative mango transplant ,naturally infected after removing the malformation .The obtained results indicate that the disease can be controlled by use of resistant cultivars, removal of diseased parts and spraying trees with selective fungicides i.e. Octave or Topsin –M.The results of the present studies will be helpful to minimize the losses inflicted by mango malformation.