The present experiments were carried out at the experimental farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate during two successive seasons; 2011/12 and 2012/13 to study the susceptibility of some varieties on the main insect pests attacking faba bean plants.
The highest average number of Aphis craccivora (Koch.) was recorded on Sakha 4 variety which had the highest of total Carbohydrate (51.58%) and the lowest of total Phenole (0.528%) with an average number of 287.14±80.53 and 171.56±35.63 indiv./20 plants followed by Sakha 2 variety (233.00±91.53 and 134.67±39.50 indiv./20 plants) during the two successive seasons, 2011/12 and 2012/13, respectively.
The highest average number of Empoasca spp. was recorded on Giza 3 variety which had high crude Protein (18.91%) with an average number of 70.00±8.71 and 116.92±18.73 indiv./ 100 leaflets followed by Sakha 4 in the first season (63.42±15.47 indiv./ 100 leaflets) and Giza 843 variety in the second one (110.92±15.78 indiv./ 100 leaflets).
The highest average number of Nezara viridula L. was recorded on Sakha4 in the first season (total Carbohydrate, 51.58%) and Giza 3 in the second one (crude Protein, 18.91%) with an average number of 4.57±1.44 and 7.00±0.47 indiv./20 plants during the two seasons, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed insignificant differences among faba bean varieties during the two seasons of study.
The highest average number of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) was recorded on Giza3 variety which had high C. protein (18.91%) and low Silica (1.54%) with average number of 157.6±3.4 and 201.5±64.65 larvae/ 100 leaflets followed by Sakha 3 and Sakha 1 variety (156.00±5.5 and 198.6±51.14 larvae/ 100 leaflets) during the successive seasons, respectively.
Statistical analysis revealed significant differences among faba bean varieties and the average number of A. craccivora, Empoasca spp. and L. trifolii during the two seasons of study.
The results showed insignificantly or significantly positive relationship among varieties contents from C. protein, T. lipids and T. phenole with Empoasca spp., N. viridula and L. trifolii while was negative relationship with T. carbohydrate and silica. In contrary, the results showed that significantly positive relationship among varieties contents from T. carbohydrate and silica with A. craccivora while was significantly negative relationship with C. protein, T. lipids and T. phenole.