The current study indicated that the most suitable soil type and moisture level for the emergence of Zizyphus fruit fly (ZFF), Carpomyia incompleta Becker (Diptera: Tephritidae) was the sandy soil containing 15% water. It was found that the highest pupation depth was about 5cm. To avoid the harmful to the friendly soil fauna, it may be suggested that if the soil fumigation or gas producing materials must be applied, it should be penetrated into the soil not more than 10cm. The effect of soil depth on the survival of pupae and adults of ZFF was studied under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that, soil depth is negatively correlated with emergence of ZFF adults. The highest rates of fly's emergence (100-80%) were observed at the lowest depths (1-15cm) with no significant differences in the percentage of adult emergence. In fact, we have recorded that highest rates of emergence (100 and 95%) were corresponded to 1and 2cm depth, respectively. The rates of emergence were gradually reduced when pupae placed on depth between 20 and 40cm. Rate of emergence at these depths was shown to be 70% at 20 cm depth and 45% at 40 cm depth. Depth of 50 cm had detrimental effect on emergence of adult fly, where the flies failed completely to emerge from the pupae (0%) at this depth. The results showed also that depth of soil between 5 and 10 cm is the most preferable for emergence of ZFF adults.
Our results are evidence that soil depth had a significant impact on emergence and survival of adults of ZFF. Therefore, we suggest that soil depth should be considered as one of the most important abiotic factors in minimizing the pest's population.