The present study was carried out to evaluate the potential of the flower-bud powder and commercially available eugenol of Syzygium aromaticum against juveniles and adults of Monacha cartusiana using, baiting technique at three concentrations (10, 20 and 40 %) for bud-flower and (1, 2 and 4 %) for eugenol under laboratory and field conditions. The activity of both baits found to be time and concentration dependent, at the lowest clove-bud powder and eugenol concentration of 10 % and 1 %, mortalities were 67.5, 70, 75 and 47.5 %, respectively. However, the high mortality percentages (99, 100 and 100 and 97.5%) were obtained at concentrations of 40% and 4% clove-bud powder and eugenol for juvenile and adult snails, respectively 21 days after treatment under laboratory conditions, while under field condition reduction percentages were 39.6,57.2 and 62.4 % for adults snails at the three tested concentrations of clove-bud powder, respectively 21 days after treatment.
The molluscicidal concentration of both poising baits proved to be effective in killing both juveniles and adults M. cartusiana snail according to the period of exposure. Consequently, clove bud powder and essential oil (eugenol) of S. aromaticum appears to have a potential importance for land snails control in Egypt.